Kasia & Fraser are getting married

Kasia & Fraser are getting married

Fraser and Kasia met on a blind date (thanks Shelina and Casey!) on October 13, 2016. She arrived in her sweaty high-visibility running gear, because, you gotta get your run in. He arrived in a vintage two-tone MEC jacket, because, style. (Kasia wrote that part. Fraser would say he wore that because that's his coat that he wears. He will admit it is a little bit stylish if you squint.) They sat side by side facing the window at a glorified lunch-counter and shared a vegan pulled jackfruit sandwich and a salad. Afterwards they went for a drink. She was cold and he gave her his jacket. They hugged goodbye and it was nice. It was an auspicious beginning.

They began to see a lot of each other. He invited her over for a meal of soup and home baked bread (neither of which foods, he later learned, she particularly likes). She encouraged him to watch hockey (a departure from his upbringing!). She was nervous to ask if they were officially "dating" because that was not something she'd ever done before. (What's dating? How do you date? Is this too early to date? "Date.") But he calmed her fears and said "duh." When he first told her he loved her she gasped, shocked. He laughed.

They've made a life together. With two troublesome cats, many plants in various states of health (Fraser says, not enough plants), and a CIUT morning soundtrack (Tuesday mornings are wild!). They are fortunate to love each other's families and friends. They are blessed to share interests and passions. Life is so much more fun when they're together.

Kasia claims, though, that they're mainly together because she laughs at his jokes (which Fraser will gladly admit are mostly inane).

They're very excited for the rest of their lives together.